Saturday, September 13, 2008

What a Long week!!!

Hey! Check it out! I am updating!

What a hellacious week! HOLY COW!
I started job #2 this week. It was a killer! I had to sit, for all 5 days, from 8am (you know, my bedtime?!) until they released us around 330 (or i begged out for a Root Canal!). It was not pretty. I am NOT a dayshift girl! Stay awake I could not! I really felt kind of bad for the speakers, because if they looked in my direction, they could see that I was not there!

And yes, you read that write. Our wonderful dental insurance at the Riley's doesn't cover much in the way of Root Canals, so I'll be taking donations to cover that one! Whew! But the pain is better, so that's great! I met a wonderful dentist that I'm happy with, so at least I'll have someone great to take all my concerns too when I return in, oh, I don't know, another 2 years. What?! Not good enough? I know. But I do brush twice a day....

The boys did well this week, what with me working 2 full time jobs, we actually had a good week! I got to spend lots of time outdoors with Eli and the neighbors, and I really enjoyed that! I think Eli appriciates having me home more! We had a few nice family dinners, and I really enjoyed that! On Thursday, we even got a visit from the Ice Cream Man! I wish I had gotten pictures of all the neighbors and kids eating their Ice Cream! But, then I would have had to put my Huge Bomb Pop down to get the camera, and I wasn't really down with that! Eli had a Bomb pop, as well, and he had a red and blue beard, and his shirt was dyed all pretty colors! (don't worry Mom, I've already put stain remover on it, and it's being washed as I type!)

In bigger news....The Kring's are going to Disney! After much hemming and hawing, scraping of funds, and whining to my mom...My wonderful Aunt Debbie found us a week at one of the RCI condos for a really good price! Chad, Eli and I will be driving down in a rented Van and meeting my Mom in Orlando! We will get to spend a week swimming and getting to know our ol' pal Mickey Mouse!

I can't tell you how excited I am about this vacation! I have been trying to plan this for quite some time! However, we are traveling on a budget. If anyone has any money savings ideas for us, please let us know!!! We will be leaving the 10th of October.

I think that's it for now. I'll try to load some pics up for the next update!
Feel free to leave comments or email me anytime! We'd love to hear from anyone!

Sara, Chad and Eli!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love ya..and now i can read your blogs. Cannot wait to see ya in Orlando and so glad we are not flying. On the money saving tips...pack a cooler.