Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stinky Internet

We've been trying to get on the Internet for an update, but...alas, Comcast is not good news. Grrr. Chad's been busy with The Boy, as we call him, and I have been working days! Dayshift has been short, and I really try to do my part at work. My body likes days....But I can't adjust to getting up at 5 am! And, I just didn't get up this morning! 3 mornings in a row and a lot of benedryl before bed makes Sara late to work!

Things are great! Eli has discovered putting more than 2 words together every once in awhile! He's real concerned about possessions. ie. Daddy's, Mommy's, E-i's ball, E-i's people. He has gotten much better at saying please, and it is really cute! Today he finally said Thank you, of course nothing is that clear yet! But he's trying and that is great!

Here's another pic from Easter Sunday!

Not real cute of mommy, but Eli is really loving his Peep!

Nothing else really goin on with the Kring family! We want all family to know that we miss everyone....even the ones a mile down the road!

Here is one more Eli pic to enjoy. Gramma got these really cute pj's for Eli, and he was strutting his stuff! Check it out!

Doesn't he look comfy cozy?! I think so!
Hope to hear from everyone soon!

Sara, Chad and Eli

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Well today was quite a fun day! Eli got up and we went to see what the Easter Bunny brought him! He loved it! Here is one pic from this morning!

After Mommy got a good nap in, we all got ready, and went to celebrate at Aunt Mi's House! Lots of family were there, and we had a Great time! We had an egg toss, which was fun, but the eggs wouldn't break. Then we played baseball with Hard Boiled eggs! It got chilly after that, so we went in to play games and watch old home movies. Eli is hyped up on Sugar, and getting a little cranky, but we wanted to wish Grandma and Grandpa a very Happy Easter!

Wouldn't be the same with a 'cheese' grin from Eli! And Don't worry, Gramma, Eli got an ENTIRE bag of M&M's from the Easter Bunny!!

Sara, Chad and Eli

Welcome! Let's see if Sara can get this Right!

Welcome to anyone who might actually read this! This is a beginning, and hopefully something the boys and I can keep up with! We'll have updates on how our fam is doing, along with Pictures and hopefully some other fun stuff! So sit back, relax, and hopefully this will be a fun Ride! Any suggestions or questions or comments are totally welcome!
