Friday, April 25, 2008

Long time no see....

And that's about all I have to say about that. Sorry, I've been working, and enjoyin my boys! But, I did have to make an update, because I've got fun things to talk about.

Well, It has been awhile! It's been a busy month. Chad started back to work (yay!), and we've had lots of happiness and sadness goin on.

I can't help but to keep remembering about 3 years ago, when I didn't even know then what was about to happen. My life was so different.

Back then I worked overtime, but not crazy overtime. We picked up and went wherever we wanted whenever we wanted. My fears and worries were so different!! What a difference 3 years makes. Now I have this:

And who couldn't love that? I love him to pieces! Chad has been gone this weekend, and Eli and I have gotten to know each other more. Wow. 2-year-olds are tiring! Goodness! But, this experience hasn't made my want for another any different. I hope soon, to give Eli a brother or sister. (Chad hopes so too.)

I'm not sure where this is going really, I just wanted to put on here how much I love my little guy, and can't wait to have more. Even if they won't be 'just like him'.
Eli got mail today! Grama and Grumpa sent him a chair! It came in pieces and parts, and once we got it together, it looked a little something like this:

He loves his chair! That picture shortly turned into this:

Yup, that's spongebob. Like Grumpa, Like Grandson.
I'll write more later. I'm pooped, and I would hate to waste any time I can sleep! Eli will be up bright and early!
Sara, Chad and Eli
PS Not sure why the last picture did that. I'll see if I can't fix that!

1 comment:

Missional Family said...

All 6 of mine are so different, yet I can't imagine not loving each of them more than life! Its hard to picture what life could be w/o them! I hope I don't have to face it!

Love the chair.....looks comfy!